Aminet 5
Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
3,131 lines
* moria2.c: misc code, mainly to handle player commands
* Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
* This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
* not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
* included in all such copies.
#include <ctype.h>
#include "constant.h"
#include "monster.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "externs.h"
#ifdef USG
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
/* Lets do all prototypes correctly.... -CWS */
#ifndef NO_LINT_ARGS
#ifdef __STDC__
static int look_ray(int, int, int);
static int look_see(int, int, int *);
static void hit_trap(int, int);
static int summon_object(int, int, int, int, int32u);
static void py_attack(int, int);
static void chest_trap(int, int);
static void inven_throw(int, struct inven_type *);
static void facts(struct inven_type *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *);
static void drop_throw(int, int, struct inven_type *);
static void py_bash(int, int);
static const char *look_mon_desc(int);
static int fearless(creature_type *);
static int look_ray();
static int look_see();
static void hit_trap();
static int summon_object();
static void py_attack();
static void chest_trap();
static void inven_throw();
static void facts();
static void drop_throw();
static void py_bash();
static const char *look_mon_desc();
static int fearless();
/* Player hit a trap. (Chuckle) -RAK- */
static void
hit_trap(y, x)
int y, x;
int i, ty, tx, num, dam;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register struct misc *p_ptr;
register inven_type *t_ptr;
bigvtype tmp;
change_trap(y, x);
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
p_ptr = &py.misc;
t_ptr = &t_list[c_ptr->tptr];
dam = pdamroll(t_ptr->damage);
switch (t_ptr->subval) {
case 1: /* Open pit */
msg_print("You fell into a pit!");
if (py.flags.ffall)
msg_print("You gently float down.");
else {
objdes(tmp, t_ptr, TRUE);
take_hit(dam, tmp);
case 2: /* Arrow trap */
if (test_hit(125, 0, 0, p_ptr->pac + p_ptr->ptoac, CLA_MISC_HIT)) {
objdes(tmp, t_ptr, TRUE);
take_hit(dam, tmp);
msg_print("An arrow hits you.");
} else
msg_print("An arrow barely misses you.");
case 3: /* Covered pit */
msg_print("You fell into a covered pit.");
if (py.flags.ffall)
msg_print("You gently float down.");
else {
objdes(tmp, t_ptr, TRUE);
take_hit(dam, tmp);
place_trap(y, x, 0);
case 4: /* Trap door */
if (!is_quest(dun_level)) {/* that would be too easy... -CFT */
msg_print("You fell through a trap door!");
new_level_flag = TRUE;
if (py.flags.ffall)
msg_print("You gently float down.");
else {
objdes(tmp, t_ptr, TRUE);
take_hit(dam, tmp);
msg_print(NULL); /* make sure can see the message before new level */
/* end normal */
else { /* it's a quest level, can't let them fall through */
msg_print("You fall into a spiked pit!");
if (py.flags.ffall)
msg_print("You gently float down.");
else {
dam = (dam * 3) / 2; /* do a little extra damage for spikes */
if (randint(3) == 1) {
msg_print("The spikes are poisoned!");
if (!(py.flags.poison_im || py.flags.poison_resist ||
dam *= 2; /* more damage from poison! :-) -CFT */
msg_print("You are unaffected by the poison.");
} /* no ffall */
case 5: /* Sleep gas */
if (py.flags.paralysis == 0) {
msg_print("A strange white mist surrounds you!");
if (py.flags.free_act)
msg_print("You are unaffected.");
else {
msg_print("You fall asleep.");
py.flags.paralysis += randint(10) + 4;
case 6: /* Hid Obj */
(void)delete_object(y, x);
place_object(y, x);
msg_print("Hmmm, there was something under this rock.");
case 7: /* STR Dart */
if (test_hit(125, 0, 0, p_ptr->pac + p_ptr->ptoac, CLA_MISC_HIT)) {
if (!py.flags.sustain_str) {
objdes(tmp, t_ptr, TRUE);
take_hit(dam, tmp);
msg_print("A small dart weakens you!");
} else
msg_print("A small dart hits you.");
} else
msg_print("A small dart barely misses you.");
case 8: /* Teleport */
teleport_flag = TRUE;
msg_print("You hit a teleport trap!");
/* Light up the teleport trap, before we teleport away. */
move_light(y, x, y, x);
case 9: /* Rockfall */
take_hit(dam, "a falling rock");
(void)delete_object(y, x);
place_rubble(y, x);
msg_print("You are hit by falling rock.");
case 10: /* Corrode gas */
msg_print("A strange red gas surrounds you.");
corrode_gas("corrosion gas");
case 11: /* Summon mon */
(void)delete_object(y, x); /* Rune disappears. */
num = 2 + randint(3);
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
ty = y;
tx = x;
(void)summon_monster(&ty, &tx, FALSE);
case 12: /* Fire trap */
msg_print("You are enveloped in flames!");
fire_dam(dam, "a fire trap");
case 13: /* Acid trap */
msg_print("You are splashed with acid!");
acid_dam(dam, "an acid trap");
case 14: /* Poison gas */
if (!(py.flags.poison_im || py.flags.poison_resist ||
poison_gas(dam, "a poison gas trap");
msg_print("A pungent green gas surrounds you!");
case 15: /* Blind Gas */
msg_print("A black gas surrounds you!");
if (!py.flags.blindness_resist)
py.flags.blind += randint(50) + 50;
case 16: /* Confuse Gas */
msg_print("A gas of scintillating colors surrounds you!");
if ((!py.flags.confusion_resist) && (!py.flags.chaos_resist))
py.flags.confused += randint(15) + 15;
case 17: /* Slow Dart */
if (test_hit(125, 0, 0, p_ptr->pac + p_ptr->ptoac, CLA_MISC_HIT)) {
objdes(tmp, t_ptr, TRUE);
take_hit(dam, tmp);
msg_print("A small dart hits you!");
if (py.flags.free_act)
msg_print("You are unaffected.");
py.flags.slow += randint(20) + 10;
} else
msg_print("A small dart barely misses you.");
case 18: /* CON Dart */
if (test_hit(125, 0, 0, p_ptr->pac + p_ptr->ptoac, CLA_MISC_HIT)) {
if (!py.flags.sustain_con) {
objdes(tmp, t_ptr, TRUE);
take_hit(dam, tmp);
msg_print("A small dart saps your health!");
} else
msg_print("A small dart hits you.");
} else
msg_print("A small dart barely misses you.");
case 19: /* Secret Door */
case 99: /* Scare Mon */
/* Town level traps are special, the stores. */
case 101:
case 102:
case 103:
case 104:
case 105:
case 106:
case 107:
case 108:
enter_store(t_ptr->subval - 101);
msg_print("Unknown trap value.");
/* Return spell number and failure chance -RAK- */
* returns -1 if no spells in book returns 1 if choose a spell in book to
* cast returns 0 if don't choose a spell, i.e. exit with an escape
cast_spell(prompt, item_val, sn, sc)
const char *prompt;
int item_val;
int *sn, *sc;
int32u j1, j2;
register int i, k;
int spell[63], result, first_spell;
register spell_type *s_ptr;
if (!py.misc.pclass)
return 0; /* if a warrior, abort as if by ESC -CFT */
result = (-1);
i = 0;
j1 = inventory[item_val].flags;
j2 = inventory[item_val].flags2;
first_spell = bit_pos(&j1);
/* set j1 again, since bit_pos modified it */
j1 = inventory[item_val].flags & spell_learned;
s_ptr = magic_spell[py.misc.pclass - 1];
while (j1) {
k = bit_pos(&j1);
if (s_ptr[k].slevel <= py.misc.lev) {
spell[i] = k;
if (!(inventory[item_val].flags & spell_learned))
first_spell = bit_pos(&j2) + 32;
j2 = inventory[item_val].flags2 & spell_learned2;
while (j2) {
k = bit_pos(&j2);
if (s_ptr[k + 32].slevel <= py.misc.lev) {
spell[i] = k + 32;
if (i > 0) {
result = get_spell(spell, i, sn, sc, prompt, first_spell);
if (result && magic_spell[py.misc.pclass - 1][*sn].smana > py.misc.cmana) {
if (class[py.misc.pclass].spell == MAGE)
result = get_check("You summon your limited strength to cast this one! Confirm?");
result = get_check("The gods may think you presumptuous for this! Confirm?");
return (result);
/* Player is on an object. Many things can happen based -RAK- */
/* on the TVAL of the object. Traps are set off, money and most */
/* objects are picked up. Some objects, such as open doors, just */
/* sit there. */
carry(y, x, pickup)
int y, x;
int pickup;
register int locn, i;
bigvtype out_val, tmp_str;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register inven_type *i_ptr;
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
i_ptr = &t_list[c_ptr->tptr];
i = t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval;
if (i <= TV_MAX_PICK_UP) {
/* There's GOLD in them thar hills! */
if (i == TV_GOLD) {
py.misc.au += i_ptr->cost;
objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, TRUE);
"You have found %ld gold pieces worth of %s.",
(long)i_ptr->cost, tmp_str);
(void)delete_object(y, x);
} else {
if (pickup && inven_check_num(i_ptr)) { /* Too many objects? */
if (carry_query_flag) { /* Okay, pick it up */
objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, TRUE);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "Pick up %s? ", tmp_str);
pickup = get_check(out_val);
/* Check to see if it will change the players speed. */
if (pickup && !inven_check_weight(i_ptr)) {
objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, TRUE);
"Exceed your weight limit to pick up %s? ",
pickup = get_check(out_val);
/* Attempt to pick up an object. */
if (pickup) {
locn = inven_carry(i_ptr);
objdes(tmp_str, &inventory[locn], TRUE);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have %s. (%c)", tmp_str, locn + 'a');
(void)delete_object(y, x);
} else if (pickup) { /* only if was trying to pick it up...
* -CFT */
objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, TRUE);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You can't carry %s.", tmp_str);
/* OOPS! */
else if (i == TV_INVIS_TRAP || i == TV_VIS_TRAP || i == TV_STORE_DOOR)
hit_trap(y, x);
monster_type *m_ptr;
if (c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
u_list[m_ptr->mptr].exist = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CREATURES; i++)
if (c_list[i].cdefense & UNIQUE)
u_list[i].exist = 0;
/* Deletes a monster entry from the level -RAK- */
int j;
register monster_type *m_ptr;
if (j < 2)
return; /* trouble? abort! -CFT */
m_ptr = &m_list[j];
if (c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
cave[m_ptr->fy][m_ptr->fx].cptr = 0;
if (m_ptr->ml)
lite_spot((int)m_ptr->fy, (int)m_ptr->fx);
if (j != mfptr - 1) {
#ifdef TARGET
/* This targetting code stolen from Morgul -CFT */
/* Targetted monster dead or compacted. CDW */
if (j==target_mon)
target_mode = FALSE;
/* Targetted monster moved to replace dead or compacted monster CDW */
if (target_mon==mfptr-1)
target_mon = j;
m_ptr = &m_list[mfptr - 1];
cave[m_ptr->fy][m_ptr->fx].cptr = j;
m_list[j] = m_list[mfptr - 1];
m_list[mfptr] = blank_monster;
if (mon_tot_mult > 0)
* The following two procedures implement the same function as delete
* monster. However, they are used within creatures(), because deleting a
* monster while scanning the m_list causes two problems, monsters might get
* two turns, and m_ptr/monptr might be invalid after the delete_monster.
* Hence the delete is done in two steps.
* fix1_delete_monster does everything delete_monster does except delete the
* monster record and reduce mfptr, this is called in breathe, and a couple
* of places in creatures.c
int j;
register monster_type *m_ptr;
if (j < 2)
return; /* trouble? abort! -CFT */
#ifdef TARGET
/* Targetted monster dead or compacted. CDW */
if (j==target_mon)
target_mode = FALSE;
/* Targetted monster moved to replace dead or compacted monster CDW */
if (target_mon==mfptr-1)
target_mon = j;
m_ptr = &m_list[j];
if (c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
/* force the hp negative to ensure that the monster is dead, for example, if
* the monster was just eaten by another, it will still have positive hit
* points
m_ptr->hp = (-1);
cave[m_ptr->fy][m_ptr->fx].cptr = 0;
if (m_ptr->ml)
lite_spot((int)m_ptr->fy, (int)m_ptr->fx);
if (mon_tot_mult > 0)
/* fix2_delete_monster does everything in delete_monster that wasn't done by
* fix1_monster_delete above, this is only called in creatures()
int j;
register monster_type *m_ptr;
if (j < 2)
return; /* trouble? abort! -CFT */
#ifdef TARGET
/* Targetted monster dead or compacted. CDW */
if (j==target_mon)
target_mode = FALSE;
/* Targetted monster moved to replace dead or compacted monster CDW */
if (target_mon==mfptr-1)
target_mon = j;
m_ptr = &m_list[j]; /* Fixed from a c_list ptr to a m_list ptr. -CFT */
if (c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
if (j != mfptr - 1) {
m_ptr = &m_list[mfptr - 1];
cave[m_ptr->fy][m_ptr->fx].cptr = j;
m_list[j] = m_list[mfptr - 1];
m_list[mfptr - 1] = blank_monster;
/* Creates objects nearby the coordinates given -RAK- */
static int
summon_object(y, x, num, typ, good)
int y, x, num, typ;
int32u good;
register int i, j, k;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
int real_typ, res;
if (typ == 1)
real_typ = 1; /* typ == 1 -> objects */
real_typ = 256; /* typ == 2 -> gold */
res = 0;
do {
i = 0;
do {
j = y - 3 + randint(5);
k = x - 3 + randint(5);
if (in_bounds(j, k) && los(y, x, j, k)) {
c_ptr = &cave[j][k];
if (c_ptr->fval <= MAX_OPEN_SPACE && (c_ptr->tptr == 0)) {
if (typ == 3) {/* typ == 3 -> 50% objects, 50% gold */
if (randint(100) < 50)
real_typ = 1;
real_typ = 256;
if (real_typ == 1) {
if (good)
place_special(j, k, good);
place_object(j, k);
} else {
if (good)
place_special(j, k, good);
place_gold(j, k);
lite_spot(j, k);
if (test_light(j, k))
res += real_typ;
i = 20;
while (i <= 20);
while (num != 0);
return res;
/* Deletes object from given location -RAK- */
delete_object(y, x)
int y, x;
register int delete;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
if (c_ptr->fval == BLOCKED_FLOOR)
c_ptr->fval = CORR_FLOOR;
pusht(c_ptr->tptr); /* then eliminate it */
c_ptr->tptr = 0;
c_ptr->fm = FALSE;
lite_spot(y, x);
if (test_light(y, x))
delete = TRUE;
delete = FALSE;
return (delete);
/* Allocates objects upon a creatures death -RAK- */
/* Oh well, another creature bites the dust. Reward the victor */
/* based on flags set in the main creature record */
* Returns a mask of bits from the given flags which indicates what the
* monster is seen to have dropped. This may be added to monster memory.
monster_death(y, x, flags, good, win)
int y, x;
register int32u flags;
int32u good;
int32u win;
register int i, number;
int32u dump, res;
#if defined(ATARIST_MWC)
int32u holder; /* avoid a compiler bug */
if (win) { /* MORGOTH */
register int j, k;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
int crown = FALSE, grond = FALSE;
i = 0;
do {
j = y - 3 + randint(5);
k = x - 3 + randint(5);
if (in_bounds(j, k) && los(y, x, j, k)) {
c_ptr = &cave[j][k];
if (c_ptr->fval <= MAX_OPEN_SPACE && (c_ptr->tptr == 0)) {
if (!crown) {
int cur_pos;
inven_type *t_ptr;
crown = TRUE;
cur_pos = popt();
cave[j][k].tptr = cur_pos;
invcopy(&t_list[cur_pos], 98);
t_ptr = &t_list[cur_pos];
t_ptr->flags |= (TR_STR | TR_DEX | TR_CON | TR_INT | TR_WIS | TR_CHR |
t_ptr->flags2 |= (TR_TELEPATHY | TR_LIGHT | TR_ARTIFACT);
t_ptr->ident |= ID_NOSHOW_TYPE;
t_ptr->name2 = SN_MORGOTH;
t_ptr->p1 = 125;
t_ptr->cost = 10000000L;
if (cave[j][k].cptr == 1)
msg_print("You feel something roll beneath your feet.");
} else {
int cur_pos;
inven_type *t_ptr;
grond = TRUE;
cur_pos = popt();
cave[j][k].tptr = cur_pos;
invcopy(&t_list[cur_pos], 56);
t_ptr = &t_list[cur_pos];
t_ptr->name2 = SN_GROND;
t_ptr->tohit = 5;
t_ptr->todam = 25;
t_ptr->damage[0] = 10;
t_ptr->damage[1] = 8;
t_ptr->weight = 600;
t_ptr->flags2 = (TR_SLAY_DEMON | TR_SLAY_TROLL | TR_SLAY_ORC |
t_ptr->p1 = (-1);
t_ptr->toac = 10;
t_ptr->cost = 500000L;
t_ptr->ident |= ID_SHOW_HITDAM;
GROND = 1;
if (cave[j][k].cptr == 1)
msg_print("You feel something roll beneath your feet.");
lite_spot(j, k);
while (!grond && i < 50);
#if !defined(ATARIST_MWC)
if (flags & CM_CARRY_OBJ)
i = 1;
i = 0;
if (flags & CM_CARRY_GOLD)
i += 2;
number = 0;
if ((flags & CM_60_RANDOM) && (randint(100) < 60))
if ((flags & CM_90_RANDOM) && (randint(100) < 90))
if (flags & CM_1D2_OBJ)
number += randint(2);
if (flags & CM_2D2_OBJ)
number += damroll(2, 2);
if (flags & CM_4D2_OBJ)
number += damroll(4, 2);
if (number > 0)
dump = summon_object(y, x, number, i, good);
dump = 0;
holder = CM_CARRY_OBJ;
if (flags & holder)
i = 1;
i = 0;
holder = CM_CARRY_GOLD;
if (flags & holder)
i += 2;
number = 0;
holder = CM_60_RANDOM;
if ((flags & holder) && (randint(100) < 60))
holder = CM_90_RANDOM;
if ((flags & holder) && (randint(100) < 90))
holder = CM_1D2_OBJ;
if (flags & holder)
number += randint(2);
holder = CM_2D2_OBJ;
if (flags & holder)
number += damroll(2, 2);
holder = CM_4D2_OBJ;
if (flags & holder)
number += damroll(4, 2);
if (number > 0)
dump = summon_object(y, x, number, i, good);
dump = 0;
#if defined(ATARIST_MWC)
holder = CM_WIN;
if (flags & holder)
if (flags & CM_WIN)
total_winner = TRUE;
msg_print("*** CONGRATULATIONS *** You have won the game.");
msg_print("You cannot save this game, but you may retire when ready.");
if (dump) {
res = 0;
if (dump & 255)
holder = CM_CARRY_OBJ;
res |= holder;
res |= CM_CARRY_OBJ;
if (dump >= 256)
holder = CM_CARRY_GOLD;
res |= holder;
dump = (dump % 256) + (dump / 256); /* number of items */
res |= dump << CM_TR_SHIFT;
} else
res = 0;
return res;
/* return whether a monster is "fearless" and will never run away. -CWS */
static int
creature_type *c_ptr;
int flag = FALSE;
if (c_ptr->cdefense & MINDLESS)
flag = TRUE;
if (c_ptr->cdefense & UNDEAD) {
if (c_ptr->spells || /* if undead, check to see if it's */
c_ptr->spells2 || /* "mindless", ie has no spells */
flag = FALSE; /* found a spell, so not mindless */
flag = TRUE; /* "mindless" undead */
if (c_ptr->cchar == 'E' || c_ptr->cchar == 'g' || c_ptr->cdefense & DEMON)
flag = TRUE;
if (c_ptr->cdefense & INTELLIGENT) /* catch intelligent monsters */
flag = FALSE;
if (!(c_ptr->cmove & CM_MOVE_NORMAL)) /* it can't run away */
flag = TRUE;
return (flag);
/* Decreases monsters hit points and deletes monster if needed. */
/* (Picking on my babies.) -RAK- */
/* added fear (DGK) and check whether to print fear messages -CWS */
mon_take_hit(monptr, dam, print_fear)
int monptr, dam, print_fear;
register int32u i;
int found = FALSE;
int32 new_exp, new_exp_frac;
register monster_type *m_ptr;
register struct misc *p_ptr;
register creature_type *c_ptr;
int m_take_hit = (-1);
int32u tmp;
int percentage;
char m_name[80];
vtype out_val;
m_ptr = &m_list[monptr];
m_ptr->hp -= dam;
m_ptr->csleep = 0;
c_ptr = &c_list[m_ptr->mptr];
if (m_ptr->hp < 0) {
if (m_ptr->mptr == (MAX_CREATURES - 1)) {
char temp[100];
if (!dun_level) {
sprintf(temp, "%s/%d", ANGBAND_BONES, c_list[m_ptr->mptr].level);
} else {
sprintf(temp, "%s/%d", ANGBAND_BONES, dun_level);
if (c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & QUESTOR) {
for (i = 0; i < DEFINED_QUESTS; i++) { /* search for monster's
* lv, not... */
if (quests[i] == c_list[m_ptr->mptr].level) { /* ...cur lv. -CFT */
quests[i] = 0;
found = TRUE;
if (found) {
if ((unsigned) dun_level != c_list[m_ptr->mptr].level) {
/* just mesg */
msg_print("Well done!! Now continue onward towards Morgoth.");
} else { /* stairs and mesg */
cave_type *ca_ptr;
int cur_pos;
ca_ptr = &cave[m_ptr->fy][m_ptr->fx];
if (ca_ptr->tptr != 0) { /* don't overwrite artifact -CFT */
int ty = m_ptr->fy, tx = m_ptr->fx, ny, nx;
while ((cave[ty][tx].tptr != 0) &&
(t_list[cave[ty][tx].tptr].tval >= TV_MIN_WEAR) &&
(t_list[cave[ty][tx].tptr].tval <= TV_MAX_WEAR) &&
(t_list[cave[ty][tx].tptr].flags2 & TR_ARTIFACT)) {
do { /* pick new possible spot */
ny = ty + (int8u) randint(3) - 2;
nx = tx + (int8u) randint(3) - 2;
} while (!in_bounds(ny, nx) ||
(cave[ny][nx].fval > MAX_OPEN_SPACE));
ty = ny; /* this is a new spot, not in a wall/door/etc */
tx = nx;
} /* ok, to exit this, [ty][tx] must not be artifact
* -CFT */
if (cave[ty][tx].tptr != 0) /* so we can delete it -CFT */
(void)delete_object(ty, tx);
ca_ptr = &cave[ty][tx]; /* put stairway here... */
cur_pos = popt();
ca_ptr->tptr = cur_pos;
invcopy(&t_list[cur_pos], OBJ_DOWN_STAIR);
msg_print("Well done!! Go for it!");
msg_print("A magical stairway appears...");
} /* if-else for stairway */
} /* if found */
} /* if quest monster */
object_level = (dun_level + c_ptr->level) >> 1;
coin_type = 0;
i = monster_death((int)m_ptr->fy, (int)m_ptr->fx,
(c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & (SPECIAL | GOOD)),
(c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cmove & WINNER));
coin_type = 0;
if ((py.flags.blind < 1 && m_ptr->ml) ||
(c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cmove & CM_WIN) ||
(c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)) {
/* recall even invisible uniques */
tmp = (c_recall[m_ptr->mptr].r_cmove & CM_TREASURE) >> CM_TR_SHIFT;
if (tmp > ((i & CM_TREASURE) >> CM_TR_SHIFT))
i = (i & ~CM_TREASURE) | (tmp << CM_TR_SHIFT);
c_recall[m_ptr->mptr].r_cmove =
(c_recall[m_ptr->mptr].r_cmove & ~CM_TREASURE) | i;
if (c_recall[m_ptr->mptr].r_kills < MAX_SHORT)
c_ptr = &c_list[m_ptr->mptr];
p_ptr = &py.misc;
if (c_ptr->cdefense & UNIQUE) {
u_list[m_ptr->mptr].exist = 0;
u_list[m_ptr->mptr].dead = 1;
new_exp = ((long)c_ptr->mexp * c_ptr->level) / p_ptr->lev;
new_exp_frac = ((((long)c_ptr->mexp * c_ptr->level) % p_ptr->lev)
* 0x10000L / p_ptr->lev) + p_ptr->exp_frac;
if (new_exp_frac >= 0x10000L) {
p_ptr->exp_frac = new_exp_frac - 0x10000L;
} else
p_ptr->exp_frac = new_exp_frac;
p_ptr->exp += new_exp;
if (p_ptr->exp < p_ptr->max_exp) /* If player is drained, let him get
* something: 10% is better than nothing -CFT */
p_ptr->max_exp += new_exp/10;
/* can't call prt_experience() here, as that would result in "new level"
* message appearing before "monster dies" message
m_take_hit = m_ptr->mptr;
/* in case this is called from within creatures(), this is a horrible
* hack, the m_list/creatures() code needs to be rewritten
if (hack_monptr < monptr)
monster_is_afraid = 0;
} else {
if (m_ptr->maxhp <= 0) /* Then fix it! -DGK */
m_ptr->maxhp = 1;
percentage = (m_ptr->hp * 100L) / (m_ptr->maxhp);
if (fearless(c_ptr)) {
monster_is_afraid = 0;
return (-1);
if (!(m_ptr->monfear) &&
((percentage <= 10 && randint(10) <= percentage) || (dam >= m_ptr->hp)))
* Run if at 10% or less of max hit points, or got hit for half its
* current hit points -DGK
monster_is_afraid = 1;
if (print_fear && m_ptr->ml &&
los(char_row, char_col, m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx)) {
monster_name(m_name, m_ptr, c_ptr);
sprintf(out_val, "%s flees in terror!", m_name);
m_ptr->monfear = randint(10) + ((dam >= m_ptr->hp && percentage > 7) ?
20 : (11 - percentage) * 5);
} else if (m_ptr->monfear) {
m_ptr->monfear -= randint(dam);
if (m_ptr->monfear <= 0) {
if (monster_is_afraid == 1)
monster_is_afraid = (-1);
m_ptr->monfear = 0;
if (m_ptr->ml && print_fear) {
char sex = c_ptr->gender;
monster_name(m_name, m_ptr, c_ptr);
sprintf(out_val, "%s recovers %s courage.", m_name,
(sex == 'm' ? "his" : sex == 'f' ? "her" :
sex == 'p' ? "their" : "its"));
m_take_hit = (-1);
return (m_take_hit);
/* Player attacks a (poor, defenseless) creature -RAK- */
static void
py_attack(y, x)
int y, x;
register int k, blows;
int crptr, monptr, tot_tohit, base_tohit;
vtype m_name, out_val;
register inven_type *i_ptr;
register struct misc *p_ptr;
crptr = cave[y][x].cptr;
monptr = m_list[crptr].mptr;
m_list[crptr].csleep = 0;
i_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_WIELD];
/* Does the player know what he's fighting? */
if (!m_list[crptr].ml)
(void)strcpy(m_name, "it");
else {
if (c_list[monptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(m_name, "%s", c_list[monptr].name);
(void)sprintf(m_name, "the %s", c_list[monptr].name);
if (i_ptr->tval != TV_NOTHING) /* Proper weapon */
blows = attack_blows((int)i_ptr->weight, &tot_tohit);
else { /* Bare hands? */
blows = 2;
tot_tohit = (-3);
if ((i_ptr->tval >= TV_SLING_AMMO) && (i_ptr->tval <= TV_ARROW))
/* Fix for arrows */
blows = 1;
p_ptr = &py.misc;
tot_tohit += p_ptr->ptohit;
/* if creature not lit, make it more difficult to hit */
if (m_list[crptr].ml)
base_tohit = p_ptr->bth;
base_tohit = (p_ptr->bth / 2) - (tot_tohit * (BTH_PLUS_ADJ - 1))
- (p_ptr->lev * class_level_adj[p_ptr->pclass][CLA_BTH] / 2);
/* Loop for number of blows, trying to hit the critter. */
monster_is_afraid = 0; /* redo fear messages -CWS */
do {
if (test_hit(base_tohit, (int)p_ptr->lev, tot_tohit,
(int)c_list[monptr].ac, CLA_BTH)) {
if (!wizard) {
(void) sprintf(out_val, "You hit %s.", m_name);
if (i_ptr->tval != TV_NOTHING) {
k = pdamroll(i_ptr->damage);
k = tot_dam(i_ptr, k, monptr);
k = critical_blow((int)i_ptr->weight, tot_tohit, k, CLA_BTH);
} else { /* Bare hands!? */
k = damroll(1, 1);
k = critical_blow(1, 0, k, CLA_BTH);
k += p_ptr->ptodam;
if (wizard) {
"You hit %s with %d hp, doing %d+%d damage.",
m_name, m_list[crptr].hp, (k - p_ptr->ptodam),
if (k < 0)
k = 0;
if (py.flags.confuse_monster) {
py.flags.confuse_monster = FALSE;
msg_print("Your hands stop glowing.");
if ((c_list[monptr].cdefense & CHARM_SLEEP)
|| (randint(MAX_MONS_LEVEL) < c_list[monptr].level))
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s is unaffected.", m_name);
else {
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s appears confused.", m_name);
m_list[crptr].confused = TRUE;
if ((out_val[0] >= 'a') && (out_val[0] <= 'z'))
out_val[0] -= 32; /* upcase, because starts sentence
* -CFT */
if (m_list[crptr].ml && randint(4) == 1)
c_recall[monptr].r_cdefense |=
c_list[monptr].cdefense & CHARM_SLEEP;
if (k < 0)
k = 0; /* no neg damage! */
/* See if we done it in. */
if (mon_take_hit(crptr, k, FALSE) >= 0) { /* never print msgs -CWS */
if ((c_list[monptr].cdefense & (DEMON|UNDEAD|MINDLESS)) ||
(c_list[monptr].cchar == 'E') ||
(c_list[monptr].cchar == 'v') ||
(c_list[monptr].cchar == 'g'))
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have destroyed %s.", m_name);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have slain %s.", m_name);
blows = 0;
if ((i_ptr->tval >= TV_SLING_AMMO)
&& (i_ptr->tval <= TV_ARROW)) { /* Use missiles up */
inven_weight -= i_ptr->weight;
py.flags.status |= PY_STR_WGT;
if (i_ptr->number == 0) {
py_bonuses(i_ptr, -1);
invcopy(i_ptr, OBJ_NOTHING);
} else {
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You miss %s.", m_name);
while (blows >= 1);
/* redo fear messages to only print at the end -CWS */
if (!m_list[crptr].ml)
(void)strcpy(m_name, "It");
else {
if (c_list[monptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(m_name, "%s", c_list[monptr].name);
(void)sprintf(m_name, "The %s", c_list[monptr].name);
if (monster_is_afraid == 1) {
sprintf(out_val, "%s flees in terror!", m_name);
if (monster_is_afraid == -1) {
char sex = c_list[monptr].gender;
sprintf(out_val, "%s recovers %s courage.", m_name,
(sex == 'm' ? "his" : sex == 'f' ? "her" :
sex == 'p' ? "their" : "its"));
/* Moves player from one space to another. -RAK- */
/* Note: This routine has been pre-declared; see that for argument */
move_char(dir, do_pickup)
int dir, do_pickup;
int old_row, old_col, old_find_flag;
int y, x;
register int i, j;
register cave_type *c_ptr, *d_ptr;
if (((py.flags.confused > 0) || (py.flags.stun > 0)) && /* Confused/Stunned? */
(randint(4) > 1) && /* 75% random movement */
(dir != 5)) { /* Never random if sitting */
dir = randint(9);
y = char_row;
x = char_col;
if (mmove(dir, &y, &x)) { /* Legal move? */
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
/* if there is no creature, or an unlit creature in the walls then... */
/* disallow attacks against unlit creatures in walls because moving into
* a wall is a free turn normally, hence don't give player free turns
* attacking each wall in an attempt to locate the invisible creature,
* instead force player to tunnel into walls which always takes a turn
if ((c_ptr->cptr < 2)
|| (!m_list[c_ptr->cptr].ml && c_ptr->fval >= MIN_CLOSED_SPACE)) {
if (c_ptr->fval <= MAX_OPEN_SPACE) { /* Open floor spot */
/* Make final assignments of char co-ords */
old_row = char_row;
old_col = char_col;
char_row = y;
char_col = x;
/* Move character record (-1) */
move_rec(old_row, old_col, char_row, char_col);
/* Check for new panel */
if (get_panel(char_row, char_col, FALSE))
/* Check to see if he should stop */
if (find_flag)
area_affect(dir, char_row, char_col);
/* Check to see if he notices something */
/* fos may be negative if have good rings of searching */
if ((py.misc.fos <= 1) || (randint(py.misc.fos) == 1) ||
(py.flags.status & PY_SEARCH))
search(char_row, char_col, py.misc.srh);
/* A room of light should be lit. */
if ((c_ptr->fval == LIGHT_FLOOR) ||
(c_ptr->fval == NT_LIGHT_FLOOR)) {
if (!c_ptr->pl && !py.flags.blind)
light_room(char_row, char_col);
/* In doorway of light-room? */
else if (c_ptr->lr && (py.flags.blind < 1)) {
int8u lit = FALSE; /* only call light_room once... -CFT */
for (i = (char_row - 1); !lit && i <= (char_row + 1); i++)
for (j = (char_col - 1); !lit && j <= (char_col + 1); j++) {
d_ptr = &cave[i][j];
if (((d_ptr->fval == LIGHT_FLOOR) ||
(d_ptr->fval == NT_LIGHT_FLOOR)) &&
(!d_ptr->pl)) {
/* move light 1st, or corridor may be perm lit */
move_light(old_row, old_col, char_row, char_col);
light_room(char_row, char_col);
lit = TRUE; /* okay, we can stop now... -CFT */
/* Move the light source */
move_light(old_row, old_col, char_row, char_col);
/* An object is beneath him. */
if (c_ptr->tptr != 0) {
i = t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval;
if (i == TV_INVIS_TRAP || i == TV_VIS_TRAP
|| i == TV_STORE_DOOR || !prompt_carry_flag
|| i == TV_GOLD)
carry(char_row, char_col, do_pickup);
else if (prompt_carry_flag && i != TV_OPEN_DOOR
&& i != TV_UP_STAIR && i != TV_DOWN_STAIR) {
inven_type *i_ptr;
bigvtype tmp_str, tmp2_str;
i_ptr = &t_list[cave[char_row][char_col].tptr];
objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, TRUE);
sprintf(tmp2_str, "You see %s.", tmp_str);
/* if stepped on falling rock trap, and space contains
* rubble, then step back into a clear area
if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_RUBBLE) {
move_rec(char_row, char_col, old_row, old_col);
move_light(char_row, char_col, old_row, old_col);
char_row = old_row;
char_col = old_col;
/* check to see if we have stepped back onto another trap, if so, set it off */
c_ptr = &cave[char_row][char_col];
if (c_ptr->tptr != 0) {
i = t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval;
if (i == TV_INVIS_TRAP || i == TV_VIS_TRAP
|| i == TV_STORE_DOOR)
hit_trap(char_row, char_col);
} else { /* Can't move onto floor space */
if (!find_flag && (c_ptr->tptr != 0)) {
if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_RUBBLE)
msg_print("There is rubble blocking your way.");
else if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_CLOSED_DOOR)
msg_print("There is a closed door blocking your way.");
} else
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
} else { /* Attacking a creature! */
old_find_flag = find_flag;
/* if player can see monster, and was in find mode, then nothing */
if (m_list[c_ptr->cptr].ml && old_find_flag) {
/* did not do anything this turn */
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
} else {
if (py.flags.afraid < 1) /* Coward? */
py_attack(y, x);
else /* Coward! */
msg_print("You are too afraid!");
/* Chests have traps too. -RAK- */
/* Note: Chest traps are based on the FLAGS value */
static void
chest_trap(y, x)
int y, x;
register int i;
int j, k;
register inven_type *t_ptr;
t_ptr = &t_list[cave[y][x].tptr];
if (CH_LOSE_STR & t_ptr->flags) {
msg_print("A small needle has pricked you!");
if (!py.flags.sustain_str) {
take_hit(damroll(1, 4), "a poison needle");
msg_print("You feel weakened!");
} else
msg_print("You are unaffected.");
if (CH_POISON & t_ptr->flags) {
msg_print("A small needle has pricked you!");
take_hit(damroll(1, 6), "a poison needle");
if (!(py.flags.poison_resist || py.flags.resist_poison ||
py.flags.poisoned += 10 + randint(20);
if (CH_PARALYSED & t_ptr->flags) {
msg_print("A puff of yellow gas surrounds you!");
if (py.flags.free_act)
msg_print("You are unaffected.");
else {
msg_print("You choke and pass out.");
py.flags.paralysis = 10 + randint(20);
if (CH_SUMMON & t_ptr->flags) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
j = y;
k = x;
(void)summon_monster(&j, &k, FALSE);
if (CH_EXPLODE & t_ptr->flags) {
msg_print("There is a sudden explosion!");
(void)delete_object(y, x);
take_hit(damroll(5, 8), "an exploding chest");
/* Opens a closed door or closed chest. -RAK- */
int y, x, i, dir;
int flag, no_object;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register inven_type *t_ptr;
register struct misc *p_ptr;
register monster_type *m_ptr;
vtype m_name, out_val;
#ifdef TARGET
int temp = target_mode; /* targetting will screw up get_dir, so we save
target_mode, then turn it off -CFT */
y = char_row;
x = char_col;
#ifdef TARGET
target_mode = FALSE;
if (get_dir(NULL, &dir)) {
(void)mmove(dir, &y, &x);
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
no_object = FALSE;
if (c_ptr->cptr > 1 && c_ptr->tptr != 0 &&
(t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_CLOSED_DOOR
|| t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_CHEST)) {
m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->cptr];
if (m_ptr->ml) {
if (c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(m_name, "%s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
(void)sprintf(m_name, "The %s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
} else
(void)strcpy(m_name, "Something");
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s is in your way!", m_name);
} else if (c_ptr->tptr != 0)
/* Closed door */
if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_CLOSED_DOOR) {
t_ptr = &t_list[c_ptr->tptr];
if (t_ptr->p1 > 0) {
p_ptr = &py.misc;
i = p_ptr->disarm + 2 * todis_adj() + stat_adj(A_INT)
+ (class_level_adj[p_ptr->pclass][CLA_DISARM]
* p_ptr->lev / 3);
/* give a 1/50 chance of opening anything, anyway -CWS */
if ((i - t_ptr->p1) < 2)
i = t_ptr->p1 + 2;
if (py.flags.confused > 0)
msg_print("You are too confused to pick the lock.");
else if ((i - t_ptr->p1) > randint(100)) {
msg_print("You have picked the lock.");
t_ptr->p1 = 0;
} else
count_msg_print("You failed to pick the lock.");
} else if (t_ptr->p1 < 0) /* It's stuck */
msg_print("It appears to be stuck.");
if (t_ptr->p1 == 0) {
invcopy(&t_list[c_ptr->tptr], OBJ_OPEN_DOOR);
c_ptr->fval = CORR_FLOOR;
lite_spot(y, x);
command_count = 0;
/* Open a closed chest. */
else if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_CHEST) {
p_ptr = &py.misc;
i = p_ptr->disarm + 2 * todis_adj() + stat_adj(A_INT)
+ (class_level_adj[p_ptr->pclass][CLA_DISARM] * p_ptr->lev / 3);
t_ptr = &t_list[c_ptr->tptr];
flag = FALSE;
if (CH_LOCKED & t_ptr->flags)
if (py.flags.confused > 0)
msg_print("You are too confused to pick the lock.");
else if ((i - (int)t_ptr->level) > randint(100)) {
msg_print("You have picked the lock.");
flag = TRUE;
py.misc.exp += t_ptr->level;
} else
count_msg_print("You failed to pick the lock.");
flag = TRUE;
if (flag) {
t_ptr->flags &= ~CH_LOCKED;
t_ptr->name2 = SN_EMPTY;
t_ptr->cost = 0;
flag = FALSE;
/* Was chest still trapped? (Snicker) */
if ((CH_LOCKED & t_ptr->flags) == 0) {
chest_trap(y, x);
if (c_ptr->tptr != 0)
flag = TRUE;
/* Chest treasure is allocated as if a creature */
/* had been killed. */
if (flag) {
* clear the cursed chest/monster win flag, so that people
* can not win by opening a cursed chest
t_ptr->flags &= ~TR_CURSED;
/* generate based on level chest was found on - dbd */
object_level = t_ptr->p1;
/* but let's not get too crazy with storebought chests -CWS */
if (t_ptr->ident & ID_STOREBOUGHT) {
if (object_level > 20)
object_level = 20;
if (object_level < 0) /* perform some sanity checking -CWS */
object_level = 0;
if (object_level > MAX_OBJ_LEVEL)
object_level = MAX_OBJ_LEVEL;
coin_type = 0;
opening_chest = TRUE; /* don't generate another chest -CWS */
(void)monster_death(y, x, t_list[c_ptr->tptr].flags, 0, 0);
t_list[c_ptr->tptr].flags = 0;
opening_chest = FALSE;
} else
no_object = TRUE;
no_object = TRUE;
if (no_object) {
msg_print("I do not see anything you can open there.");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
#ifdef TARGET
target_mode = temp;
/* Closes an open door. -RAK- */
int y, x, dir, no_object;
vtype out_val, m_name;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register monster_type *m_ptr;
#ifdef TARGET
int temp = target_mode; /* targetting will screw up get_dir, so we save
target_mode, then turn it off -CFT */
y = char_row;
x = char_col;
#ifdef TARGET
target_mode = FALSE;
if (get_dir(NULL, &dir)) {
(void)mmove(dir, &y, &x);
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
no_object = FALSE;
if (c_ptr->tptr != 0)
if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_OPEN_DOOR)
if (c_ptr->cptr == 0)
if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].p1 == 0) {
invcopy(&t_list[c_ptr->tptr], OBJ_CLOSED_DOOR);
c_ptr->fval = BLOCKED_FLOOR;
lite_spot(y, x);
} else
msg_print("The door appears to be broken.");
else {
m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->cptr];
if (m_ptr->ml) {
if (c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(m_name, "%s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
(void)sprintf(m_name, "The %s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
} else
(void)strcpy(m_name, "Something");
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s is in your way!", m_name);
no_object = TRUE;
no_object = TRUE;
if (no_object) {
msg_print("I do not see anything you can close there.");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
#ifdef TARGET
target_mode = temp;
/* Tunneling through real wall: 10, 11, 12 -RAK- */
/* Used by TUNNEL and WALL_TO_MUD */
twall(y, x, t1, t2)
int y, x, t1, t2;
register int i, j;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
int res, found;
res = FALSE;
if (t1 > t2) {
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
if (c_ptr->tptr) { /* secret door or rubble or gold -CFT */
if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_RUBBLE) {
delete_object(y,x); /* blow it away... */
if (randint(10)==1){
place_object(y,x); /* and drop a goodie! */
else if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval >= TV_MIN_DOORS)
delete_object(y,x); /* no more door... */
} /* if object there.... */
c_ptr->fm = FALSE;
if (panel_contains(y, x))
if ((c_ptr->tl || c_ptr->pl) && c_ptr->tptr != 0) {
msg_print("You have found something!");
c_ptr->fm = TRUE;
/* should become a room space, check to see whether it should be
if (c_ptr->lr) {
found = FALSE;
for (i = y - 1; i <= y + 1; i++)
for (j = x - 1; j <= x + 1; j++)
if (cave[i][j].fval <= MAX_CAVE_ROOM) {
c_ptr->fval = cave[i][j].fval;
c_ptr->pl = cave[i][j].pl;
found = TRUE;
if (!found) {
c_ptr->fval = CORR_FLOOR;
c_ptr->pl = FALSE;
} else {
/* should become a corridor space */
c_ptr->fval = CORR_FLOOR;
c_ptr->pl = FALSE;
lite_spot(y, x);
res = TRUE;
return (res);
/* Tunnels through rubble and walls -RAK- */
/* Must take into account: secret doors, special tools */
int dir;
register int i, tabil;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register inven_type *i_ptr;
int y, x;
monster_type *m_ptr;
vtype out_val, m_name;
if ((py.flags.confused > 0) && /* Confused? */
(randint(4) > 1)) /* 75% random movement */
dir = randint(9);
y = char_row;
x = char_col;
(void)mmove(dir, &y, &x);
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
/* Compute the digging ability of player; based on */
/* strength, and type of tool used */
tabil = py.stats.use_stat[A_STR];
i_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_WIELD];
/* Don't let the player tunnel somewhere illegal, this is necessary to
* prevent the player from getting a free attack by trying to tunnel
* somewhere where it has no effect.
if (c_ptr->fval < MIN_CAVE_WALL
&& (c_ptr->tptr == 0 || (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval != TV_RUBBLE
&& t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval != TV_SECRET_DOOR))) {
if (c_ptr->tptr == 0) {
msg_print("Tunnel through what? Empty air?!?");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
} else {
msg_print("You can't tunnel through that.");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
if (c_ptr->cptr > 1) {
m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->cptr];
if (m_ptr->ml) {
if (c_list[m_ptr->mptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(m_name, "%s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
(void)sprintf(m_name, "The %s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
} else
(void)strcpy(m_name, "Something");
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s is in your way!", m_name);
/* let the player attack the creature */
if (py.flags.afraid < 1)
py_attack(y, x);
msg_print("You are too afraid!");
} else if (i_ptr->tval != TV_NOTHING) {
if (TR_TUNNEL & i_ptr->flags)
tabil += 25 + i_ptr->p1 * 50;
else {
tabil += (i_ptr->damage[0] * i_ptr->damage[1]) + i_ptr->tohit
+ i_ptr->todam;
/* divide by two so that digging without shovel isn't too easy */
tabil >>= 1;
if (weapon_heavy) {
tabil += (py.stats.use_stat[A_STR] * 15) - i_ptr->weight;
if (tabil < 0)
tabil = 0;
/* Regular walls; Granite, magma intrusion, quartz vein */
/* Don't forget the boundary walls, made of titanium (255) */
switch (c_ptr->fval) {
i = randint(1200) + 80;
if (twall(y, x, tabil, i)) {
msg_print("You have finished the tunnel.");
} else
count_msg_print("You tunnel into the granite wall.");
i = randint(600) + 10;
if (twall(y, x, tabil, i)) {
msg_print("You have finished the tunnel.");
} else
count_msg_print("You tunnel into the magma intrusion.");
i = randint(400) + 10;
if (twall(y, x, tabil, i)) {
msg_print("You have finished the tunnel.");
} else
count_msg_print("You tunnel into the quartz vein.");
msg_print("This seems to be permanent rock.");
/* Is there an object in the way? (Rubble and secret doors) */
if (c_ptr->tptr != 0) {
/* Rubble. */
if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_RUBBLE) {
if (tabil > randint(180)) {
(void)delete_object(y, x);
msg_print("You have removed the rubble.");
if (randint(10) == 1) {
place_object(y, x);
if (test_light(y, x))
msg_print("You have found something!");
lite_spot(y, x);
} else
count_msg_print("You dig in the rubble.");
/* Secret doors. */
else if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_SECRET_DOOR) {
count_msg_print("You tunnel into the granite wall.");
search(char_row, char_col, py.misc.srh);
} else {
msg_print("You can't tunnel through that.");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
} else {
msg_print("Tunnel through what? Empty air?!?");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
} else
msg_print("You dig with your hands, making no progress.");
/* Disarms a trap -RAK- */
int y, x, level, tmp, dir, no_disarm;
register int tot, i;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register inven_type *i_ptr;
monster_type *m_ptr;
vtype m_name, out_val;
#ifdef TARGET
int temp = target_mode; /* targetting will screw up get_dir, so we save
target_mode, then turn it off -CFT */
y = char_row;
x = char_col;
#ifdef TARGET
target_mode = FALSE;
if (get_dir(NULL, &dir)) {
(void)mmove(dir, &y, &x);
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
no_disarm = FALSE;
if (c_ptr->cptr > 1 && c_ptr->tptr != 0 &&
(t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_VIS_TRAP
|| t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_CHEST)) {
m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->cptr];
if (m_ptr->ml)
(void)sprintf(m_name, "The %s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
(void)strcpy(m_name, "Something");
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s is in your way!", m_name);
} else if (c_ptr->tptr != 0) {
tot = py.misc.disarm + 2 * todis_adj() + stat_adj(A_INT)
+ (class_level_adj[py.misc.pclass][CLA_DISARM] * py.misc.lev / 3);
if ((py.flags.blind > 0) || (no_light()))
tot = tot / 10;
if (py.flags.confused > 0)
tot = tot / 10;
if (py.flags.image > 0)
tot = tot / 10;
i_ptr = &t_list[c_ptr->tptr];
i = i_ptr->tval;
level = i_ptr->level;
if (i == TV_VIS_TRAP) {/* Floor trap */
if ((tot + 100 - level) > randint(100)) {
msg_print("You have disarmed the trap.");
py.misc.exp += i_ptr->p1;
(void)delete_object(y, x);
/* make sure we move onto the trap even if confused */
tmp = py.flags.confused;
py.flags.confused = 0;
move_char(dir, FALSE);
py.flags.confused = tmp;
/* avoid randint(0) call */
else if ((tot > 5) && (randint(tot) > 5))
count_msg_print("You failed to disarm the trap.");
else {
msg_print("You set the trap off!");
/* make sure we move onto the trap even if confused */
tmp = py.flags.confused;
py.flags.confused = 0;
move_char(dir, FALSE);
py.flags.confused += tmp;
} else if (i == TV_CHEST) {
if (!known2_p(i_ptr)) {
msg_print("I don't see a trap.");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
} else if (CH_TRAPPED & i_ptr->flags) {
if ((tot - level) > randint(100)) {
i_ptr->flags &= ~CH_TRAPPED;
if (CH_LOCKED & i_ptr->flags)
i_ptr->name2 = SN_LOCKED;
i_ptr->name2 = SN_DISARMED;
msg_print("You have disarmed the chest.");
py.misc.exp += level;
} else if ((tot > 5) && (randint(tot) > 5))
count_msg_print("You failed to disarm the chest.");
else {
msg_print("You set a trap off!");
chest_trap(y, x);
} else {
msg_print("The chest was not trapped.");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
} else
no_disarm = TRUE;
} else
no_disarm = TRUE;
if (no_disarm) {
msg_print("I do not see anything to disarm there.");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
#ifdef TARGET
target_mode = temp;
/* An enhanced look, with peripheral vision. Looking all 8 -CJS-
* directions will see everything which ought to be visible. Can specify
* direction 5, which looks in all directions.
* For the purpose of hindering vision, each place is regarded as a diamond just
* touching its four immediate neighbours. A diamond is opaque if it is a
* wall, or shut door, or something like that. A place is visible if any part
* of its diamond is visible: i.e. there is a line from the view point to
* part of the diamond which does not pass through any opaque diamonds.
* Consider the following situation:
* @.... X X X X X .##.. /
* \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ..... X @ X . X . X 1 X . X \ / \
* / \ / \ / \ / X X X X X Expanded view, with / \ / \ /
* \ / \ / \ diamonds inscribed X . X # X # X 2 X . X about each point,
* \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / and some locations X X X X X
* numbered. / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ X . X . X . X 3 X 4 X \ / \ /
* \ / \ / \ / X X X X X - Location 1 is fully visible. -
* Location 2 is visible, even though partially obscured. - Location 3 is
* invisible, but if either # were transparent, it would be visible. -
* Location 4 is completely obscured by a single #.
* The function which does the work is look_ray. It sets up its own co-ordinate
* frame (global variables map back to the dungeon frame) and looks for
* everything between two angles specified from a central line. It is
* recursive, and each call looks at stuff visible along a line parallel to
* the center line, and a set distance away from it. A diagonal look uses
* more extreme peripheral vision from the closest horizontal and vertical
* directions; horizontal or vertical looks take a call for each side of the
* central line.
* Globally accessed variables: gl_nseen counts the number of places where
* something is seen. gl_rock indicates a look for rock or objects.
* The others map co-ords in the ray frame to dungeon co-ords.
* dungeon y = char_row + gl_fyx * (ray x) + gl_fyy * (ray y) dungeon x =
* char_col + gl_fxx * (ray x) + gl_fxy * (ray y)
static int gl_fxx, gl_fxy, gl_fyx, gl_fyy;
static int gl_nseen, gl_noquery;
static int gl_rock;
* Intended to be indexed by dir/2, since is only relevant to horizontal or
* vertical directions.
static int set_fxy[] = {0, 1, 0, 0, -1};
static int set_fxx[] = {0, 0, -1, 1, 0};
static int set_fyy[] = {0, 0, 1, -1, 0};
static int set_fyx[] = {0, 1, 0, 0, -1};
/* Map diagonal-dir/2 to a normal-dir/2. */
static int map_diag1[] = {1, 3, 0, 2, 4};
static int map_diag2[] = {2, 1, 0, 4, 3};
#define GRADF 10000 /* Any sufficiently big number will do */
* Look at what we can see. This is a free move.
* Prompts for a direction, and then looks at every object in turn within a cone
* of vision in that direction. For each object, the cursor is moved over the
* object, a description is given, and we wait for the user to type
* something. Typing ESCAPE will abort the entire look.
* Looks first at real objects and monsters, and looks at rock types only after
* all other things have been seen. Only looks at rock types if the
* highlight_seams option is set.
register int i, abort;
int dir, dummy;
if (py.flags.blind > 0)
msg_print("You can't see a damn thing!");
else if (py.flags.image > 0)
msg_print("You can't believe what you are seeing! It's like a dream!");
else if (get_alldir("Look which direction? ", &dir)) {
abort = FALSE;
gl_nseen = 0;
gl_rock = 0;
gl_noquery = FALSE; /* Have to set this up for the look_see */
if (look_see(0, 0, &dummy))
abort = TRUE;
else {
do {
abort = FALSE;
if (dir == 5) {
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
gl_fxx = set_fxx[i];
gl_fyx = set_fyx[i];
gl_fxy = set_fxy[i];
gl_fyy = set_fyy[i];
if (look_ray(0, 2 * GRADF - 1, 1)) {
abort = TRUE;
gl_fxy = (-gl_fxy);
gl_fyy = (-gl_fyy);
if (look_ray(0, 2 * GRADF, 2)) {
abort = TRUE;
} else if ((dir & 1) == 0) { /* Straight directions */
i = dir >> 1;
gl_fxx = set_fxx[i];
gl_fyx = set_fyx[i];
gl_fxy = set_fxy[i];
gl_fyy = set_fyy[i];
if (look_ray(0, GRADF, 1))
abort = TRUE;
else {
gl_fxy = (-gl_fxy);
gl_fyy = (-gl_fyy);
abort = look_ray(0, GRADF, 2);
} else {
i = map_diag1[dir >> 1];
gl_fxx = set_fxx[i];
gl_fyx = set_fyx[i];
gl_fxy = (-set_fxy[i]);
gl_fyy = (-set_fyy[i]);
if (look_ray(1, 2 * GRADF, GRADF))
abort = TRUE;
else {
i = map_diag2[dir >> 1];
gl_fxx = set_fxx[i];
gl_fyx = set_fyx[i];
gl_fxy = set_fxy[i];
gl_fyy = set_fyy[i];
abort = look_ray(1, 2 * GRADF - 1, GRADF);
while (abort == FALSE && highlight_seams && (++gl_rock < 2));
if (abort)
msg_print("--Aborting look--");
else {
if (gl_nseen) {
if (dir == 5)
msg_print("That's all you see.");
msg_print("That's all you see in that direction.");
} else if (dir == 5)
msg_print("You see nothing of interest.");
msg_print("You see nothing of interest in that direction.");
/* Look at everything within a cone of vision between two ray
lines emanating from the player, and y or more places away
from the direct line of view. This is recursive.
Rays are specified by gradients, y over x, multiplied by
2*GRADF. This is ONLY called with gradients between 2*GRADF
(45 degrees) and 1 (almost horizontal).
(y axis)/ angle from
^ / ___ angle to
| / ___
...|../.....___.................... parameter y (look at things in the
| / ___ cone, and on or above this line)
|/ ___
@--------------------> direction in which you are looking. (x axis)
| */
static int
look_ray(y, from, to)
int y, from, to;
register int max_x, x;
int transparent;
/* from is the larger angle of the ray, since we scan towards the center
* line. If from is smaller, then the ray does not exist.
if (from <= to || y > MAX_SIGHT)
return FALSE;
/* Find first visible location along this line. Minimum x such that (2x-1)/x
* < from/GRADF <=> x > GRADF(2x-1)/from. This may be called with y=0 whence
* x will be set to 0. Thus we need a special fix.
x = (long)GRADF *(2 * y - 1) / from + 1;
if (x <= 0)
x = 1;
/* Find last visible location along this line. Maximum x such that (2x+1)/x >
* to/GRADF <=> x < GRADF(2x+1)/to
max_x = ((long)GRADF * (2 * y + 1) - 1) / to;
if (max_x > MAX_SIGHT)
max_x = MAX_SIGHT;
if (max_x < x)
return FALSE;
/* gl_noquery is a HACK to prevent doubling up on direct lines of sight. If
* 'to' is greater than 1, we do not really look at stuff along the
* direct line of sight, but we do have to see what is opaque for the
* purposes of obscuring other objects.
if ((y == 0 && to > 1) || (y == x && from < GRADF * 2))
gl_noquery = TRUE;
gl_noquery = FALSE;
if (look_see(x, y, &transparent))
return TRUE;
if (y == x)
gl_noquery = FALSE;
if (transparent)
goto init_transparent;
for (;;) {
/* Look down the window we've found. */
if (look_ray(y + 1, from, (int)((2 * y + 1) * (long)GRADF / x)))
return TRUE;
/* Find the start of next window. */
do {
if (x == max_x)
return FALSE;
/* See if this seals off the scan. (If y is zero, then it will.) */
from = (2 * y - 1) * (long)GRADF / x;
if (from <= to)
return FALSE;
if (look_see(x, y, &transparent))
return TRUE;
while (!transparent);
/* Find the end of this window of visibility. */
do {
if (x == max_x)
/* The window is trimmed by an earlier limit. */
return look_ray(y + 1, from, to);
if (look_see(x, y, &transparent))
return TRUE;
while (transparent);
static int
look_see(x, y, transparent)
register int x, y;
int *transparent;
const char *dstring,*string;
char query = 'a';
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register int j;
bigvtype out_val, tmp_str;
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || y > x) {
(void)sprintf(tmp_str, "Illegal call to look_see(%d, %d)", x, y);
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
dstring = "You are on";
dstring = "You see";
j = char_col + gl_fxx * x + gl_fxy * y;
y = char_row + gl_fyx * x + gl_fyy * y;
x = j;
if (!panel_contains(y, x)) {
*transparent = FALSE;
return FALSE;
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
*transparent = c_ptr->fval <= MAX_OPEN_SPACE;
if (gl_noquery)
return FALSE; /* Don't look at a direct line of sight. A
* hack. */
out_val[0] = 0;
if (gl_rock == 0 && c_ptr->cptr > 1 && m_list[c_ptr->cptr].ml) {
j = m_list[c_ptr->cptr].mptr;
if (c_list[j].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s %s (%s). [(r)ecall]",
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s %s %s (%s). [(r)ecall]",
(is_a_vowel(c_list[j].name[0]) ? "an" : "a"),
dstring = "It is on";
prt(out_val, 0, 0);
move_cursor_relative(y, x);
query = inkey();
if (query == 'r' || query == 'R') {
query = roff_recall(j);
if (c_ptr->tl || c_ptr->pl || c_ptr->fm) {
if (c_ptr->tptr != 0) {
if (t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval == TV_SECRET_DOOR)
goto granite;
if (gl_rock == 0 && t_list[c_ptr->tptr].tval != TV_INVIS_TRAP) {
objdes(tmp_str, &t_list[c_ptr->tptr], TRUE);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s %s. ---pause---", dstring, tmp_str);
dstring = "It is in";
prt(out_val, 0, 0);
move_cursor_relative(y, x);
query = inkey();
if ((gl_rock || out_val[0]) && c_ptr->fval >= MIN_CLOSED_SPACE) {
switch (c_ptr->fval) {
/* Granite is only interesting if it contains something. */
if (out_val[0])
string = "a granite wall";
string = NULL; /* In case we jump here */
string = "some dark rock";
string = "a quartz vein";
string = NULL;
if (string) {
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s %s. ---pause---", dstring, string);
prt(out_val, 0, 0);
move_cursor_relative(y, x);
query = inkey();
if (out_val[0]) {
if (query == ESCAPE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void
inven_throw(item_val, t_ptr)
int item_val;
inven_type *t_ptr;
register inven_type *i_ptr;
i_ptr = &inventory[item_val];
*t_ptr = *i_ptr;
if (i_ptr->number > 1) {
t_ptr->number = 1;
inven_weight -= i_ptr->weight;
py.flags.status |= PY_STR_WGT;
} else
/* Obtain the hit and damage bonuses and the maximum distance for a thrown
* missile.
static void
facts(i_ptr, tbth, tpth, tdam, tdis, thits)
register inven_type *i_ptr;
int *tbth, *tpth, *tdam, *tdis, *thits;
register int tmp_weight;
if (i_ptr->weight < 1)
tmp_weight = 1;
tmp_weight = i_ptr->weight;
/* Throwing objects */
*tdam = pdamroll(i_ptr->damage) + i_ptr->todam;
*tbth = py.misc.bthb * 75 / 100;
*tpth = py.misc.ptohit + i_ptr->tohit;
/* Add this back later if the correct throwing device. -CJS- */
if (inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tval != TV_NOTHING)
*tpth -= inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdis = (((py.stats.use_stat[A_STR] + 20) * 10) / tmp_weight);
if (*tdis > 10)
*tdis = 10;
/* EAM - Default to single shot or throw but rangers do better with any kind
* of bow
*thits = 1;
/* multiply damage bonuses instead of adding, when have proper missile/weapon
* combo, this makes them much more useful
/* Using Bows, slings, or crossbows */
if (inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tval == TV_BOW)
switch (inventory[INVEN_WIELD].subval) {
case 20:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_SLING_AMMO) { /* Sling and ammo */
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 2;
*tdis = 20;
case 21:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_SLING_AMMO){ /* Sling of Might and ammo */
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 3;
*tdis = 20;
case 1:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_ARROW) { /* Short Bow and Arrow */
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 2;
*tdis = 25;
case 2:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_ARROW) { /* Long Bow and Arrow */
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 3;
*tdis = 30;
case 3:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_ARROW){ /* C Bow, BARD, L bow of M and Arrow*/
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 4;
*tdis = 35;
case 4:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_ARROW){ /* C Bow of M, BELEG and Arrow*/
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 5;
*tdis = 35;
case 10:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_BOLT) { /* Light Crossbow and Bolt */
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 3;
*tdis = 25;
case 11:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_BOLT) { /* Heavy Crossbow and Bolt */
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 4;
*tdis = 35;
case 12:
if (i_ptr->tval == TV_BOLT){ /* H xbow of M and Bolt*/
*tbth = py.misc.bthb;
*tpth += 2 * inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tohit;
*tdam += inventory[INVEN_WIELD].todam;
*tdam = *tdam * 5;
*tdis = 35;
static void
drop_throw(y, x, t_ptr)
int y, x;
inven_type *t_ptr;
register int i, j, k;
int flag, cur_pos;
bigvtype out_val, tmp_str;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
flag = FALSE;
i = y;
j = x;
k = 0;
if (randint(5) > 1) {
do {
if (in_bounds(i, j)) {
c_ptr = &cave[i][j];
if (c_ptr->fval <= MAX_OPEN_SPACE && c_ptr->tptr == 0)
flag = TRUE;
if (!flag) {
i = y + randint(3) - 2;
j = x + randint(3) - 2;
while ((!flag) && (k <= 9));
if (!flag && (t_ptr->tval >= TV_MIN_WEAR) &&
(t_ptr->tval <= TV_MAX_WEAR) && (t_ptr->flags2 & TR_ARTIFACT)) {
k = 0; i = y; j = x;
do { /* pick place w/o an object, unless doesn't seem to be one */
y = i; x = j;
do { /* pick place in bounds and not in wall */
i = y + randint(3) -2;
j = x + randint(3) -2;
} while (!in_bounds(i,j) || cave[i][j].fval > MAX_OPEN_SPACE);
if (!(cur_pos = cave[i][j].tptr) || (k>64))
flag = TRUE;
if (flag && (((t_list[cur_pos].flags2 & TR_ARTIFACT) &&
((cur_pos = t_list[cur_pos].tval) >= TV_MIN_WEAR) &&
(cur_pos <= TV_MAX_WEAR)) ||
(cur_pos == TV_STORE_DOOR) ||
(cur_pos == TV_UP_STAIR) ||
(cur_pos == TV_DOWN_STAIR)))
flag = FALSE;
/* the above may seem convoluted, but it basically says: try up to 64 spaces,
* if an open one, place the item. If none, clobber the item at 64th, but keep looking
* if that item is an artifact, store door, or stairs -CFT
if (k>888) flag = TRUE; /* if this many tries, TOO BAD! -CFT */
} while (!flag);
} /* if not flag and is artifact */
if (flag)
if (cave[i][j].tptr) /* we must have crushed something; waste it -CFT */
cur_pos = popt();
cave[i][j].tptr = cur_pos;
t_list[cur_pos] = *t_ptr;
lite_spot(i, j);
objdes(tmp_str, t_ptr, FALSE);
(void) sprintf(out_val, "The %s disappears.", tmp_str);
/* This is another adaptation of DGK's Fangband code to help throw item
stay around (like Artifacts!) -CFT */
static int
inven_type *i_ptr;
if ((i_ptr->tval >= TV_MIN_WEAR) && (i_ptr->tval <= TV_MAX_WEAR) &&
(i_ptr->flags2 & TR_ARTIFACT))
return TRUE;
/* for non-artifacts, drop_throw() still loses 20% of them... */
if ((i_ptr->tval >= TV_BOW) && (i_ptr->tval <= TV_STAFF))
return TRUE;
switch (i_ptr->tval){
case TV_CHEST: case TV_SLING_AMMO: case TV_ROD: case TV_FOOD:
return TRUE;
case TV_MISC: case TV_SPIKE: case TV_WAND: case TV_BOLT:
case TV_ARROW: case TV_LIGHT: case TV_SCROLL1: case TV_SCROLL2:
return (randint(2)==1);
return FALSE;
/* Throw an object across the dungeon. -RAK- */
/* Note: Flasks of oil do fire damage */
/* Note: Extra damage and chance of hitting when missiles are used */
/* with correct weapon. I.E. wield bow and throw arrow. */
/* Note: Some characters will now get multiple shots per turn -EAM */
int item_val, tbth, tpth, tdam, tdis;
int y, x, oldy, oldx, cur_dis, dir;
int flag, visible;
int thits, max_shots;
int ok_throw = FALSE; /* used to prompt user with, so doesn't throw wrong thing */
bigvtype out_val, tmp_str;
inven_type throw_obj;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register monster_type *m_ptr;
register int i;
char tchar;
if (inven_ctr == 0) {
msg_print("But you are not carrying anything.");
free_turn_flag = TRUE;
} else if (get_item(&item_val, "Fire/Throw which one?", 0, inven_ctr - 1, 0)) {
inven_type *t = &inventory[item_val];
if ((t->tval == TV_FLASK) || (t->tval == TV_SLING_AMMO) ||
(t->tval == TV_ARROW) || (t->tval == TV_BOLT) ||
(t->tval == TV_SPIKE) || (t->tval == TV_MISC))
ok_throw = TRUE;
else if (((t->tval == TV_FOOD) || (t->tval == TV_POTION1) ||
(t->tval == TV_POTION2)) && known1_p(t) &&
/* almost all potions do 1d1 damage when thrown. I want the code
to ask before throwing away potions of DEX, *Healing*, etc.
This also means it will ask before throwing potions of slow
poison, and other low value items that the player is likely to
not care about. This code will mean that mushrooms/molds of
unhealth, potions of detonations and death are the only
always-throwable food/potions. (plus known bad ones, in a
later test...) -CFT */
(t->damage[0] > 1) && (t->damage[1] > 1))
ok_throw = TRUE; /* if it's a mushroom or potion that does
damage when thrown... */
else if (!known2_p(t) && (t->ident & ID_DAMD))
ok_throw = TRUE; /* Not IDed, but user knows it's cursed... */
else if ((t->tval >= TV_MIN_WEAR) && (t->tval <= TV_MAX_WEAR) &&
(t->flags & TR_CURSED) && known2_p(t))
ok_throw = TRUE; /* if user wants to throw cursed, let him */
else if ((object_list[t->index].cost <= 0) && known1_p(t) &&
!(known2_p(t) && (t->cost > 0)))
ok_throw = TRUE;
else if ((t->cost <= 0) && known2_p(t))
ok_throw = TRUE; /* it's junk, let him throw it */
else if ((t->tval >= TV_HAFTED) &&
(t->tval <= TV_DIGGING) && !(t->name2))
ok_throw = TRUE; /* non ego/art weapons are okay to just throw, since
they are damaging (Moral of story: wield your weapon
if you're worried that you might throw it away!) */
else { /* otherwise double-check with user before throwing -CFT */
objdes(tmp_str, t, TRUE);
sprintf(out_val, "Really throw %s?", tmp_str);
ok_throw = get_check(out_val);
} /* if selected an item to throw */
if (ok_throw) { /* can only be true if selected item, and it either looked
* okay, or user said yes... */
if (get_dir(NULL, &dir)) {
if (py.flags.confused > 0) {
msg_print("You are confused.");
do {
dir = randint(9);
while (dir == 5);
max_shots = inventory[item_val].number;
inven_throw(item_val, &throw_obj);
facts(&throw_obj, &tbth, &tpth, &tdam, &tdis, &thits);
if (thits > max_shots)
thits = max_shots;
tchar = throw_obj.tchar;
/* EAM Start loop over multiple shots */
while (thits-- > 0) {
if (inventory[INVEN_WIELD].subval == 12)
tpth -= 10;
flag = FALSE;
y = char_row;
x = char_col;
oldy = char_row;
oldx = char_col;
cur_dis = 0;
do {
(void)mmove(dir, &y, &x);
lite_spot(oldy, oldx);
if (cur_dis > tdis)
flag = TRUE;
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
if ((c_ptr->fval <= MAX_OPEN_SPACE) && (!flag)) {
if (c_ptr->cptr > 1) {
flag = TRUE;
m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->cptr];
tbth = tbth - cur_dis;
/* if monster not lit, make it much more difficult to
* hit, subtract off most bonuses, and reduce bthb
* depending on distance
if (!m_ptr->ml)
tbth = (tbth / (cur_dis + 2))
- (py.misc.lev *
class_level_adj[py.misc.pclass][CLA_BTHB] / 2)
- (tpth * (BTH_PLUS_ADJ - 1));
if (test_hit(tbth, (int)py.misc.lev, tpth,
(int)c_list[m_ptr->mptr].ac, CLA_BTHB)) {
i = m_ptr->mptr;
objdes(tmp_str, &throw_obj, FALSE);
/* Does the player know what he's fighting? */
if (!m_ptr->ml) {
"The %s finds a mark.", tmp_str);
visible = FALSE;
} else {
if (c_list[i].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(out_val, "The %s hits %s.",
tmp_str, c_list[i].name);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "The %s hits the %s.",
tmp_str, c_list[i].name);
visible = TRUE;
tdam = tot_dam(&throw_obj, tdam, i);
tdam = critical_blow((int)throw_obj.weight,
tpth, tdam, CLA_BTHB);
if (tdam < 0)
tdam = 0;
* always print fear msgs, so player can stop
* shooting -CWS
i = mon_take_hit((int)c_ptr->cptr, tdam, TRUE);
if (i < 0) {
char buf[100];
char cdesc[100];
if (visible) {
if (c_list[i].cdefense & UNIQUE)
sprintf(cdesc, "%s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
sprintf(cdesc, "The %s", c_list[m_ptr->mptr].name);
} else
strcpy(cdesc, "It");
(int)tdam), cdesc);
if (i >= 0) {
if (!visible)
msg_print("You have killed something!");
else {
if (c_list[i].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have killed %s.",
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have killed the %s.",
if (stays_when_throw(&throw_obj))
/* should it land on floor? Or else vanish forever? */
drop_throw(oldy, oldx, &throw_obj);
drop_throw(oldy, oldx, &throw_obj);
{ /* do not test c_ptr->fm here */
if (panel_contains(y, x) && (py.flags.blind < 1)
&& (c_ptr->tl || c_ptr->pl)) {
print(tchar, y, x);
put_qio(); /* show object moving */
#ifdef MSDOS
delay(8 * delay_spd); /* milliseconds */
usleep(8000 * delay_spd); /* useconds */
} else {
flag = TRUE;
drop_throw(oldy, oldx, &throw_obj);
oldy = y;
oldx = x;
while (!flag);
if (thits > 0) { /* triple crossbow check -- not really needed */
if (inventory[INVEN_WIELD].subval != 12) {
(void)sprintf(out_val, "Keep shooting?");
if (get_check(out_val)) {
inven_throw(item_val, &throw_obj);
} else
thits = 0;
} else {
inven_throw(item_val, &throw_obj);
/* If we're going to fire again, reroll damage for the
next missile. This makes each missile's damage more
random, AND it doesn't allow damage bonuses to accumulate!
if (thits > 0) {
int dummy; /* ignore everything except tdam */
facts(&throw_obj, &dummy, &dummy, &tdam, &dummy, &dummy);
} /* EAM end loop over multiple shots */
/* Make a bash attack on someone. -CJS- Used to
* be part of bash above.
static void
py_bash(y, x)
int y, x;
int monster, k, avg_max_hp, base_tohit, monptr;
register creature_type *c_ptr;
register monster_type *m_ptr;
vtype m_name, out_val;
monster = cave[y][x].cptr;
m_ptr = &m_list[monster];
monptr = m_ptr->mptr;
c_ptr = &c_list[monptr];
m_ptr->csleep = 0;
/* Does the player know what he's fighting? */
if (!m_ptr->ml)
(void)strcpy(m_name, "it");
else {
if (c_list[monptr].cdefense & UNIQUE)
(void)sprintf(m_name, "%s", c_list[monptr].name);
(void)sprintf(m_name, "the %s", c_list[monptr].name);
base_tohit = py.stats.use_stat[A_STR] + inventory[INVEN_ARM].weight / 2
+ py.misc.wt / 10;
if (!m_ptr->ml)
base_tohit = (base_tohit / 2) - (py.stats.use_stat[A_DEX] * (BTH_PLUS_ADJ - 1))
- (py.misc.lev * class_level_adj[py.misc.pclass][CLA_BTH] / 2);
if (test_hit(base_tohit, (int)py.misc.lev,
(int)py.stats.use_stat[A_DEX], (int)c_ptr->ac, CLA_BTH)) {
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You hit %s.", m_name);
k = pdamroll(inventory[INVEN_ARM].damage);
k = critical_blow((int)(inventory[INVEN_ARM].weight / 4
+ py.stats.use_stat[A_STR]), 0, k, CLA_BTH);
k += py.misc.wt / 60 + 3;
if (k < 0)
k = 0; /* no neg damage! */
/* See if we done it in. */
if (mon_take_hit(monster, k, TRUE) >= 0) {
if ((c_list[monptr].cdefense & (DEMON|UNDEAD|MINDLESS)) ||
(c_list[monptr].cchar == 'E') ||
(c_list[monptr].cchar == 'v') ||
(c_list[monptr].cchar == 'g'))
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have destroyed %s.", m_name);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have slain %s.", m_name);
} else {
m_name[0] = toupper((int)m_name[0]); /* Capitalize */
/* Can not stun Balrog */
avg_max_hp = (c_ptr->cdefense & MAX_HP ?
c_ptr->hd[0] * c_ptr->hd[1] :
(c_ptr->hd[0] * (c_ptr->hd[1] + 1)) >> 1);
if ((100 + randint(400) + randint(400))
> (m_ptr->hp + avg_max_hp)) {
m_ptr->stunned += randint(3) + 1;
if (m_ptr->stunned > 24)
m_ptr->stunned = 24;
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s appears stunned!", m_name);
} else
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s ignores your bash!", m_name);
} else {
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You miss %s.", m_name);
if (randint(150) > py.stats.use_stat[A_DEX]) {
msg_print("You are off balance.");
py.flags.paralysis = 1 + randint(2);
/* Bash open a door or chest -RAK- */
* Note: Affected by strength and weight of character
* For a closed door, p1 is positive if locked; negative if stuck. A disarm
* spell unlocks and unjams doors!
* For an open door, p1 is positive for a broken door.
* A closed door can be opened - harder if locked. Any door might be bashed open
* (and thereby broken). Bashing a door is (potentially) faster! You move
* into the door way. To open a stuck door, it must be bashed. A closed door
* can be jammed (which makes it stuck if previously locked).
* Creatures can also open doors. A creature with open door ability will (if not
* in the line of sight) move though a closed or secret door with no changes.
* If in the line of sight, closed door are openned, & secret door revealed.
* Whether in the line of sight or not, such a creature may unlock or unstick
* a door.
* A creature with no such ability will attempt to bash a non-secret door.
int y, x, dir, tmp;
register cave_type *c_ptr;
register inven_type *t_ptr;
#ifdef TARGET
int temp = target_mode; /* targetting will screw up get_dir, so we save
target_mode, then turn it off -CFT */
y = char_row;
x = char_col;
#ifdef TARGET
target_mode = FALSE;
if (get_dir(NULL, &dir)) {
if (py.flags.confused > 0) {
msg_print("You are confused.");
do {
dir = randint(9);
while (dir == 5);
(void)mmove(dir, &y, &x);
c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
if (c_ptr->cptr > 1) {
if (py.flags.afraid > 0)
msg_print("You are too afraid!");
py_bash(y, x);
} else if (c_ptr->tptr != 0) {
t_ptr = &t_list[c_ptr->tptr];
if (t_ptr->tval == TV_CLOSED_DOOR) {
count_msg_print("You smash into the door!");
tmp = py.stats.use_stat[A_STR] + py.misc.wt / 2;
/* Use (roughly) similar method as for monsters. */
if (randint(tmp * (20 + MY_ABS(t_ptr->p1))) <
10 * (tmp - MY_ABS(t_ptr->p1))) {
msg_print("The door crashes open!");
invcopy(&t_list[c_ptr->tptr], OBJ_OPEN_DOOR);
t_ptr->p1 = 1 - randint(2); /* 50% chance of breaking door */
c_ptr->fval = CORR_FLOOR;
if (py.flags.confused == 0)
move_char(dir, FALSE);
lite_spot(y, x);
} else if (randint(150) > py.stats.use_stat[A_DEX]) {
msg_print("You are off-balance.");
py.flags.paralysis = 1 + randint(2);
} else if (command_count == 0)
msg_print("The door holds firm.");
} else if (t_ptr->tval == TV_CHEST) {
if (randint(10) == 1) {
msg_print("You have destroyed the chest and its contents!");
t_ptr->index = OBJ_RUINED_CHEST;
t_ptr->flags = 0;
} else if ((CH_LOCKED & t_ptr->flags) && (randint(10) == 1)) {
msg_print("The lock breaks open!");
t_ptr->flags &= ~CH_LOCKED;
} else
count_msg_print("The chest holds firm.");
} else
* Can't give free turn, or else player could try directions
* until he found invisible creature
msg_print("You bash it, but nothing interesting happens.");
} else {
if (c_ptr->fval < MIN_CAVE_WALL)
msg_print("You bash at empty space.");
/* same message for wall as for secret door */
msg_print("You bash it, but nothing interesting happens.");
#ifdef TARGET
target_mode = temp;
static const char *
int mnum;
monster_type *m = &m_list[mnum];
int32 thp, tmax, perc;
int8u living;
living = !((c_list[m->mptr].cdefense & (UNDEAD|DEMON)) ||
((c_list[m->mptr].cchar == 'E') ||
(c_list[m->mptr].cchar == 'g') ||
(c_list[m->mptr].cchar == 'v') ||
(c_list[m->mptr].cchar == 'X')));
if (m->maxhp == 0) { /* then we're just going to fix it! -CFT */
if ((c_list[m->mptr].cdefense & MAX_HP) || be_nasty)
m->maxhp = max_hp(c_list[m->mptr].hd);
m->maxhp = pdamroll(c_list[m->mptr].hd);
if (m->hp > m->maxhp)
m->hp = m->maxhp;
if ((m->maxhp == 0) || (m->hp >= m->maxhp)) /* shouldn't ever need > -CFT */
return (living ? "unhurt" : "undamaged");
thp = (int32) m->hp;
tmax = (int32) m->maxhp;
perc = (int32) (thp * 100L) / tmax;
if (perc > 60)
return (living ? "somewhat wounded" : "somewhat damaged");
if (perc > 25)
return (living ? "wounded" : "damaged");
if (perc > 10)
return (living ? "badly wounded" : "badly damaged");
return (living ? "almost dead" : "almost destroyed");
#ifdef TARGET
/* This targetting code stolen from Morgul -CFT */
/* Targetting routine CDW */
int monptr,exit,exit2;
char query;
vtype desc;
exit = FALSE;
exit2 = FALSE;
if (py.flags.blind > 0)
msg_print("You can't see anything to target!");
/* Check monsters first */
else {
target_mode = FALSE;
for (monptr = 0; (monptr<mfptr) && (!exit); monptr++) {
if (m_list[monptr].cdis<MAX_SIGHT) {
if ((m_list[monptr].ml)&&
(los(char_row,char_col,m_list[monptr].fy,m_list[monptr].fx))) {
(void) sprintf(desc, "%s [(r)ecall] [(t)arget] [(l)ocation] [ESC quits]",
query = inkey();
while ((query == 'r')||(query == 'R')) {
query = roff_recall(m_list[monptr].mptr);
query = inkey();
switch (query) {
case ESCAPE:
exit = TRUE;
exit2 = TRUE;
case '.': /* for NetHack players, '.' is used to select a target,
so I'm changing this... -CFT */
case 't': case 'T':
target_mode = TRUE;
target_mon = monptr;
target_row = m_list[monptr].fy;
target_col = m_list[monptr].fx;
exit2 = TRUE;
case 'l': case'L':
exit = TRUE;
if (exit2 == FALSE) {
prt("Use cursor to designate target. [(t)arget]",0,0);
target_row = char_row;
target_col = char_col;
for (exit = FALSE; exit==FALSE ;) {
move_cursor_relative(target_row, target_col);
if (rogue_like_commands==FALSE) {
switch (query) {
case '1':
query = 'b';
case '2':
query = 'j';
case '3':
query = 'n';
case '4':
query = 'h';
case '5':
query = '.';
case '6':
query = 'l';
case '7':
query = 'y';
case '8':
query = 'k';
case '9':
query = 'u';
switch (query) {
case ESCAPE:
case 'Q':
exit = TRUE;
case '.': /* for NetHack players, '.' is used to select a target,
so I'm changing this... -CFT */
case 't':
case 'T':
if (distance(char_row,char_col,target_row,target_col)>MAX_SIGHT)
"Target beyond range. Use cursor to designate target. [(t)arget].",
else if (cave[target_row][target_col].fval>CORR_FLOOR)
"Invalid target. Use cursor to designate target. [(t)arget].",
else {
target_mode = TRUE;
target_mon = MAX_MALLOC;
exit = TRUE;
case 'b':
case 'j':
case 'n':
case 'l':
case 'y':
case 'h':
case 'u':
case 'k':
if ((target_col>MAX_WIDTH-2)||(target_col>panel_col_max))
else if ((target_col<1)||(target_col<panel_col_min))
if ((target_row>MAX_HEIGHT-2)||(target_row>panel_row_max))
else if ((target_row<1)||(target_row<panel_row_min))
if (target_mode==TRUE)
msg_print("Target selected.");
msg_print("Aborting Target.");
/* This targetting code stolen from Morgul -CFT */
/* Assuming target_mode == TRUE, returns if the position is the target.
CDW */
int row, col;
/* don't ever assume a condition holds, especially when it's so easy to test for. -CFT */
if (target_mode == FALSE)
return FALSE;
if ((row==target_row)&&(col==target_col))
#endif /* TARGET */
mmove2(y, x, sourcey, sourcex, desty, destx)
register int *y, *x;
int sourcey, sourcex, desty, destx;
int d_y, d_x, k, dist, max_dist, min_dist, shift;
d_y = (*y < sourcey) ? sourcey - *y : *y - sourcey;
d_x = (*x < sourcex) ? sourcex - *x : *x - sourcex;
dist = (d_y > d_x) ? d_y : d_x;
d_y = (desty < sourcey) ? sourcey - desty : desty - sourcey;
d_x = (destx < sourcex) ? sourcex - destx : destx - sourcex;
if (d_y > d_x) {
max_dist = d_y;
min_dist = d_x;
} else {
max_dist = d_x;
min_dist = d_y;
for (k = 0, shift = max_dist >> 1; k < dist; k++, shift -= min_dist)
shift = (shift > 0) ? shift : shift + max_dist;
if (shift < 0)
shift = 0;
if (d_y > d_x) {
d_y = (desty < sourcey) ? *y - 1 : *y + 1;
if (shift)
d_x = *x;
d_x = (destx < sourcex) ? *x - 1 : *x + 1;
} else {
d_x = (destx < sourcex) ? *x - 1 : *x + 1;
if (shift)
d_y = *y;
d_y = (desty < sourcey) ? *y - 1 : *y + 1;
*y = d_y;
*x = d_x;